New PhD position dScience Dept. of Mathematics, UiO

PhD Research Fellow in Statistics and Machine Learning

The statistics group at the Department of Mathematics, UiO, has a new opening for a 3 or 4 years PhD position funded by the new dScience center at UiO. Topic: Contextual anomaly and change detection.

The deadline is April 12th - please forward the link below to possible applicants!



Best regards from Ingrid Glad


JOB - PhD positions available at the University of Oslo

At the section of Statistics and Data Science, University of Oslo, there are several PhD positions available:

One position with a strong focus on machine learning. The project will be in the emerging field of computational causal inference, and the focus will be on developing methods for inferring causal relationships from data using the framework of probabilistic graphical models. See

One position in statistics with no specific constraints on topics, but some potential  projects can be found at See

One position in statistics within BigInsight  with a focus on dependence modelling and copula methodology. See

Contact information: Geir Storvik, email


BigInsight on Twitter

BigInsight is now on Twitter @BigInsightNor


BigInsight continues to help Folkehelseinstituttet (FHI)

BigInsight continues to help the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (Folkehelseinstituttet) to understand the COVID-19 pandemics. Birgitte De Blasio leads the FHI team doing all modelling, also with Solveig Engebretsen, Francesco Di Ruscio, Geir Storvik.

Regular weekly reports are available here:

Aftenposten Monday 7th September 2020

Aftenposten Monday 7th September 2020

Forsvarte doktorgrad på nett: – Som å gifte seg online

Matematikeren Andreas Brandsæter ble den første til å ta digital doktorgradseksamen på Universitetet i Oslo.            

Denne artikkelen er produsert og finansiert av Universitetet i Oslo - les mere her.

Disputas på nett: Bildet viser  hvordan Andreas Brandsæter var rigget for sin store dag. Han vedgår at  prøveforelesningen ble gjennomført i finskjorte og treningsbukser.         (Foto: UiO)    

Disputas på nett: Bildet viser hvordan Andreas Brandsæter var rigget for sin store dag. Han vedgår at prøveforelesningen ble gjennomført i finskjorte og treningsbukser. (Foto: UiO)